Thursday 16 October 2014

006 Hang Kang Parade

2014 protests[edit]

Before the protests, a white paper by the Chinese government proclaimed that Hong Kong does not enjoy full autonomy, and that Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy was granted by the Chinese government. The departure in wording from emphasizing the high degree of autonomy guaranteed by the Hong Kong Basic Law sparked controversy that the Chinese government was suggesting it could intervene in Hong Kong affairs, in effect redefining One Country, Two Systems. The Hong Kong government earlier promised to residents that they will be able to vote for their new chief executive in the upcoming 2017 election, but it has been feared that the final process will favour candidates approved by Beijing.
On 1 July 2014, organizers said over 500,000 protesters marched along the streets of Hong Kong, while city officials estimated 100,000. A police force of around 5000 officers was present during the protest, and over 500 demonstrators were arrested for illegal assembly during a sit-in protest that followed on 2 July and disrupting traffic in Chater Road.
  * From Wiki

Hong Kong People parading

The manifesto they made

Hong Kong people stay in the road

Personal Remark:
   The 2014 Protest is the Hang Kong People wish to be free, but there isn`t some called free in this world. 100 Percent freedom means you are able to crime and paying no responsible. People just feel satisfy in a relatively society. Hang Kong people believes China is wrong, I did`t know and also didn`t care about the truth, I simplely believes a event gather too many people with one wish that must be wrong. Because if all the people are smart enough that better than a politician, this social doesn`t make any sense.

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